NAOO 3rd Offshore Gas Filed Safety Forum

Saudi Aramco is always keen to find the world best solutions. With the brilliant efforts of our team, we (ANAJAM AL REYADAH) proved ourselves in ClampOn DSP Corrosion Erosion Monitoring (CEM) Subsea to Saudi Aramco.

CEM Subsea Continually Monitors and Quantifies the changes in the wall thickness over a large area of Pipeline. The Instruments estimates the rate at which corrosion-erosion reduces the thickness of the pipe wall. In this way it can provide the operators with an early warning of potentially catastrophic failures before the occur. The monitor is designed for permanent installation and will not need any calibration after installation.

To explore more about our technology Saudi Aramco recently invited ANAJAM AL REYADAH in their internal event “Northern Arabia Oil Operation (NAOO) 3rd Offshore Gas Filed Safety Forum” which was held on 24th-25th December, 2018 hosted by NAGPD.

ANJAM AL REYADAH – Clampon’s CEM Subsea has been the attraction of the event. In the event we got the opportunity to directly interact with Corrosion engineers, site inspector, project managers & their response was overwhelming. The forum has strengthened our aim and focus.